Upcoming: The Sea Is a Treasure in Byrum Kirke

17. juni 2024By Karen Land HansenCommissions

 A video- and sound installation in Byrum Kirke, on the Island of Læsø. The installation will be shown as part of Læsø Art Festival, from 8-11 pm on Wednesday 24th to Friday 26th. ‘The Sea Is a Treasure’ 2024: Woodcut, collage and watercolour by Karen Land Hansen. Animation and sound by Niels Plenge. The exhibition is curated by Art historian Rikke Villadsen. Many thanks to Grosserer L. F. Foghts Foundation, Elizabeth Brænnstrøm Jacobson, Karsten Neve Petersen, Rikke Villadsen and Niels Plenge.

Handpan music concert by musicians Shen-Ning Huang and Xiao-Jie Yuan, at The Nordic Contemporary Art Center in Xiamen

27. maj 2024By Karen Land HansenCommissions

A handpan music concert recently took place in front of my art work Floating Seabed, at the exhibition Art in Social Space. The musicians who played the handpan instruments eloquently are Shen-Ning Huang and Xiao-Lie Yuan. The paintings are by Tong Wang.

A documentary by Fujian Southeast Satellite TV has recently been aired, about Art in Social Space at The Nordic Contemporary Art Center in Xiamen

27. maj 2024By Karen Land HansenCommissions

Fujian Southeast Satellite TV has produced a TV documentary about the exhibition Art in Social Space. The documentary can be viewed at their website.

Seabed Formations

2. marts 2024By Karen Land HansenCommissions

I am exploring formations based on the wondrous seabed, for new sculptural works, at The Danish Art Workshops. Am working towards the upcoming exhibition ‘Art in the social space’ at The Nordic Contemporary Art Center in Xiamen, China. Later I will be developing this for the exhibition ‘Sensing the Sea’, curated by Cila Brosius and Tijana Miskovic. This exhibition also takes place at The Nordic Contemporary Art Center in Xiamen. Many thanks to the scientific team at GEUS for the great cooperation, to S. C. Van Fonden for financial support, to PMH Systems for the strong, lightweight Reboards and to The Danish Art Workshops for the residency to develop the work.

Upcoming exhibition: Art in the social space at The Nordic Center for Contemporary Art in Xiamen

1. marts 2024By Karen Land HansenCommissions

I am working towards the group exhibition ‘Art in the social space’ at The Nordic Center of Contemporary Art in Xiamen, China. The exhibition opens on March 31st and is on view until May 30th. The exhibition is curated by Artist Tine Hecht-Pedersen and Art historien Else Marie Bukdahl. Photograph by Mette Borup, work in progress at The Danish Art Workshops.